How often does a botched nose job happen? Is it possible to avoid such a thing from happening? This article will talk about botched nose jobs, why they happen and how to potentially avoid them and get the results you want from this type of plastic surgery. 


A botched nose job 

Just like with any type of plastic surgery, there is a slight chance that the results of the procedure will not be to the person’s liking. However, a botched nose job is a different story.  


How do you avoid a botched nose job? 

When a nose job goes wrong, not only the physical look and aesthetic appeal of your nose job will be affected. There are times when the person may also suffer from breathing issues and other health issues if the problem is not fixed. This is why it is best to prevent getting a bad nose job to begin with. Here are a few tips to help you avoid having unwanted results from your plastic surgery. 

  • Choose your surgeon well 

There is a smaller possibility that your nose job will get botched if you choose to have the procedure doe by an experienced surgeon. Plastic surgeons who have been working in the industry for many years and who have many satisfied clients are more likely to be able to produce the same kind of satisfactory results for your plastic surgery as well.  

  • Be clear about the results you want 

botched nose jobExperienced plastic surgeons have done countless rhinoplasty procedures in their career so far. After performing the procedure many times, they will most likely know what they’re doing. They will be able to know what results you like and do the procedure in the right way to make sure that your expectations will be met. Explaining exactly what you want to your surgeon will reduce the risk of having unwanted results as well as a botched surgery. 

  • Choose a surgeon who uses digital imaging 

Digital imaging may be used to take a look at how different options of rhinoplasty results will look on your face. This will reduce the risk of a botched nose job because you will be able to see the effects of different types of plastic surgery and tell your surgeon that is what you want.  

  • Follow the after-care instructions of your surgeon to the letter 

The instructions that your surgeon will give you after the nose job surgery are there for a reason. It is important that you follow these instructions to ensure that no infection forms on the rhinoplasty site. Even if the surgeon did everything right when it comes to the surgical procedure itself, the person can still end up with a botched nose job if you do not take care of the surgical site to make sure that no infections form on it.  


Final thoughts 

If you are feeling self-conscious about the way your nose looks, getting a rhinoplasty surgery may be the solution you are looking for. However, even if a nose job is one of the most common plastic surgeries nowadays, this is also one of the trickiest plastic surgery procedures that is done. Experts say that a plastic surgeon has to perform around 500 rhinoplasty surgeries before perfecting the way to do it. This is why it is of utmost importance to choose your plastic surgeon wisely. A more experienced surgeon will help you avoid a botched nose job. 

At the end of the day, there is no way to guarantee that you will not have a botched nose job. However, doing these tips will definitely lower the risk of you having a bad nose job. If you have any apprehensions about getting a nose job, choose a god surgeon and discuss your hesitations and fears with them. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the procedure and put your mind at ease about getting a botched nose job. 

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